Sensitivity, Specificity
Validity, Reliability
Likelihood Ratio +/-
McMurray Test
To test for meniscal Injury
Patient lies in the supine position with knee completely flexed.
The examiner then medially rotates the tibia and extends the knee. If there is a loose fragment of the lateral meniscus, this action causes a snap or click that is often accompanied by pain. By repeatedly changing the amount of flexion and then applying the medial rotation to the tibial followed by extension, the examiner can test the entire posterior aspect of the meniscus from the posterior horn to the middle segment. To test the medial meniscus, the examiner performs the same procedure with the knee laterally rotated. [1]
16%[2] for thud
50%2 for pain
98%2 for thud
94%2 for pain
K=0.352 for thud
+ 8.0 2
for thud
for pain