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Knee Soft Tissue Tension Test

Knee Soft Tissue Tension Test

Soft Tissue Tension Test of the Knee
 Active-Performed in sitting/supine with the examiner observing the tracking of the patella, range of motion, and pain/apprehension.
Passive- All motions in this part of the testing are performed with the examiner moving the joint. This is where end feels and capsular patterns are tested. Normal end feels: flexion is soft tissue approximation, extension and all patellar movements are tissue stretch. The capsular pattern is more limitation of flexion the extension.
Resisted Isometric- patient should be placed in either supine or prone position with the joint in resting position. The resistance should then be gradually applied.
·         Make sure to perform the most painful motions last
End feel Testing:
Extension= .172-1.03
Flexion= .013
Extension= .433

1.       Magee DJ.  Orthopedic Physical Assessment. 5th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier; 2008.
2.       Hayes KW, Petersen C, Falconer J. An examination of Cyriax passive motion tests with the patient having osteoarthritis of the knee. Phys Ther.1994;74:697-709.
3.       Hayes KW, Petersen CM. Reliability of assessing end-feel and pain and resistance sequence in subjects with painful shoulders and knees. J Orthop Sports Phys THer. 2001;31: 432-445.